
Directorate of Regulatory, Review, Monitoring and Compliance
This Directorate is responsible for maintaining continuous reviews of the regulatory framework and provide oversight through monitoring the procurement system and activities of Procuring and Disposing Entities, Suppliers / Bidders and Contractors. It is also responsible for facilitating economic studies to inform procurement policy decision making.
The monitoring and compliance functions and the regulatory and review functions of the Authority were combined as one part deals with developing and reviewing regulations while the other monitors and ensures that the regulations in force are adequately adhered to by all relevant stakeholders.
Directorate of Capacity Development, Reforms and Advisory
This Directorate is responsible for advisory services, provision of leadership and direction for the promotion of professionalism of procurement in the public sector, provide performance indicators, ethics and competencies needed for those involved in public procurement. The directorate also has a procurement reforms function which includes the implementation of innovations in public procurement, which among others include, the electronic Government Procurement system. This is recognizing that reforms are part of institutional capacity development activities as they are geared towards enhancing efficiency, transparency and professionalism in public procurement and disposal of public assets.
Directorate of Corporate Services
This Directorate is responsible for providing expert advice and services in planning and research, the planning, directing and implementation public relations programs, and the provision of legal advisory and litigation services. Its creation takes cognizance to the legal needs and implications of the Authority’s operations and the Government’s policy that each public institution should have a planning unit. One of the functions of the Authority is to undertake economic studies on public procurement and disposal of public assets comparisons and future projections, so as to provide advice to the Government in respect of mid-term and long-term policy it may formulate in public procurement and disposal of assets matters. This Directorate has a planning and research function to, among others carry out economic studies that include doing market price research, assisting in budget preparation and monitoring the implementation of the budgets.
Directorate of Finance
The Directorate is responsible for managing and accounting for financial resources including current and non-current assets. It also provides professional advice to promote prudent and efficient financial management and accounting practices and systems for the mobilization, allocation and proper utilization of financial resources, supplies and assets in accordance with corporate objectives and public finance management legislation.